Represents the Risk/Return Summary portion of SEC Form N‑1A according to the final rule 33‑8998.
The 2008 Mutual Fund Risk/Return Summary Taxonomy has been completed. Please read the copyright, license, warranty and liability terms for the taxonomy. Your use of the taxonomy indicates your acceptance of those terms.
Below are links to the taxonomy which can be reviewed in the XBRL US Review tool or downloaded and the responses to the comments submitted during the public review. The Preparers Guide,Technical Guide, Architecture Document, and sample instances are available to help in understanding the taxonomy. The full details for the taxonomy are here.
Schema Files
The taxonomy files are located individually as follows:
- Schema
- Entry Points
- Standard Labels -
- Standard Labels & Relationships -
- All Labels, Relationship, and Calculations -
Sample Instances
- AIM Tax-Exempt Funds
- Europacific Growth Fund
- The AllianceBernstein Portfolios
- Fidelity Contrafund
- Dryden Total Return Bond Fund, Inc
Supporting Files